Sunday, December 8, 2013


Pain is a countless and hopeless agony and torment that cannot be the only type of pain i have met eyes with. pain seems to haunt me. chasing me in my dreams. trying to kill me. running with love seems to be the only way.

Yet love? love is worse. love seems to hide in the distance, or in the corner waiting. and when you least expect it, you'll see love, hiding in the darkness, sitting there, worried, just as much as you are. yet love is with depression, talking, thinking, finding out from depression, that love is being watched, by you, so love looks over at you. and do you know what to do about it? no, because you haven't experienced anything like it before. and all of the sudden you feel scared and frightened, and crazy. and you'll walk towards love, not knowing what to do. yet when you get close. love leaps up, taller than a building, sending emotions through the roof, taking you with them, and sending you high in the air. and you fall, and all you feel is the air rushing across your skin.
all you have to do is ask for love to catch you, and it will.

if you don't, pain will. and pain will feel cheated.

if lust sees you falling. run.
if sadness hears you calling for love, he will yell.

but you wont hear it, because you hear better things.
hope will cheer, and start to cry.
but hope still fears pain.
so he calms down.

right now

pain seems to be leaving love alone.
yet i seem to have lost love.

love moved to California last year.

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