Tuesday, January 14, 2014

paris and the blackout

I feel like something has been, put down. like I'm in a world where my emotions are ignored, and my glass has become... fractured.

Paris is in a blackout.

i feel like im holding a candle where the wick has fallen out.
this feeling that i cant put the whick back in is weird and the wax.. has finally hardened.
the smell from the candle has forgotten the space around it, its forgotten me.

i can only light incense now. but incense doesn't give me light, or heat.

i changed my mind last night. instead of incense at my funeral. give me candles.

because then when i am lying into the red velvet. i can feel more alive.

because then when i am lying into the red velvet. im closer to god.

because then when i am lying into the red velvet. i can feel the flame.

and when i do.

i will be dead.

so go on paris.

go live in a blackout.

ill bring more candles.
it'll be more romantic

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